

Kellie Martin, Mystery Woman

I have to say a few nice words about the Mystery Woman cable TV series.  It's a clean, wholesome show.  No sexual innuendo and very little violence.  Certainly nothing gratuitous. 

Oh, it has its flaws.  The story resolutions tend to be contrived, for example.  It's awfully convenient that the lead character's sidekick is a former spy who has mad hacking skills and access to high-tech gadgetry.  He can laso dig up obscure information with just a phone call, which is a bit of a cheat.  Still, the show is very charming.

This is largely due to Kellie Martin, whose wholesome appeal shines through the whole show.  She can appear both sweet and tough.  She's very pretty, but not in a glamorous way, and the show doesn't capitalize on her looks.  (Well, except insofar as TV producers tend to cast attractive women in the lead  female roles for most shows.)

Yes, this is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me.

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